


Project description

Lamasticots is a online game created by Corobizar, a french streamer. The game has been though of as an extension of the stream for his viewers, a kind of entertainment platform in which you can play together when the stream is off.

Project organization

This project teams was composed of five developers, one game designer and one system administrator. Two developers were in charge of the website (backend & frontend), two other ones in charge of the game server and client respectively, and the last one (me) of the administration platform, which provides a UI to manage configurations, and to monitor gameserver logs.

The game designer was the project manager, and I took the role of Tech leader. We implemented an agile methodology, a lightened Scrum process based on a Kanban board.

Finally, I was responsible for all the deployment configurations and GitLab CI/CD pipelines.


  • Game client: Unity / WebGL

  • Game server: NodeJS / Colyseus

  • Administration platform: Django / DRF

  • Backend: ExpressJS

  • Frontend: React / NextJS

  • Deployment: Docker Swarm / GitLab CI/CD

  • Databases: PostgreSQL / Redis

  • Server: Rocky Linux

  • Misc: Nginx / Minio (S3)